My new online project...

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Hipper than thou?

O what post-modernist irony! Cycling around Warsaw with a swastika on your hipster fixie? Warsaw - of all cities?

Note that the swastika is not at an angle and has turned-up ends and dots between the arms; clearly, then, an Indian good-luck charm. Allow Hipster Hitler to explain...

This time last year:
Polish military helicopters on display

This time two years ago:
Rare visitor to Okęcie

This time four years ago:
Burnt by the sun


  1. where on earth did you find that website! I'd have been tempted to let his tires down under those circs...

  2. Paddy - me find it? It's my hipster daughter. Of course, she denies being a hipster - the mark of a true hipster. That and bucketloads of irony.

  3. Oh, I thought it might be your son. Does she wear boat shoes with no socks and frequent Hustawka? Poor you!
