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Sunday 4 September 2011

Clinging on to summer

In most people's minds, summer ends on 1 September, when schools go back. Astronomical summer ends this year on 23 September, when the sun, having spent the bulk of its time shining over the Northern Hemisphere, retreats back across the equator. At this time of year, within a month either way of the equinox, we feel the day shortening at a noticeable pace. Every day, the sun sets two minutes earlier, and rises two minutes later; as a result the day shortens by four minutes, or around half an hour a week. Frightening.

Still, the weekend was as the meteorologists had predicted it - hot and sunny. As I write, I can feel the effects of the sun's rays on my face, having spent most of the day out and about on my bicycle.

Indeed, most of Warsaw was out and about on its bicycle. The cycle path along Przyczółkowa was like a bicycle motorway. It attracted a wide range of cyclists - from very young to very old; mountain bikers, road racers, trendies on their sit-up-and-beg amsterdamki, riders of old school Polish Jubilat or Wigry bikes, parents with their little ones in kiddie seats or trailers. In fact, the only tribe of cyclist unrepresented on the cycle path to Powsin were hipsters on fixies. This is not a place to be seen - unlike the forecourt of Złote Tarasy, where fixies are piled high, chained to the railings. (The way to mount one, by the way, is to swing your leg over the handlebar).

Above: the cycle path from Wilanów to Powsin; very busy indeed - as it should be. A cloudless day.

No rain all week, yet the water table is still high, puddles abound and with them and the heat - the midges/mosquitos (call them what they are: komarzyska - culex pipiens). In the midday sun, there are few about, but around dusk they are still a total nuisance.

While the sun shines, we have got to make hay. Within a few weeks, the weather will have changed; darkness will have replaced light as the dominant mode; summer clothes will have been put away and replaced by thick, heavy coats. Make the most of every sunny hour.

This time last year:
Compositions in yellow, blue and white

This time two years ago:
When the Z-9 used to run, temporarily, to Jeziorki

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