My new online project...

Thursday 6 October 2011

"...Which was nice..."

(For Dziadzio and Babcia)

[I'm reminded of those sketches from the catch phrase-ridden BBC comedy Fast Show with that smug guy played by Mark Williams (YouTube clip here).]

The official inauguration of Moni's academic year in Łódź Film School was conducted by the President of the Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski. Which was nice...

(Coverage in Polish here, here, here and here)

What did he say?

"Łódzka filmówka jest prawdopodobnie jedyna w Polsce uczelnia, która jest w stanie konkurować ze światowymi szkołami - mówił w Łodzi prezydent Bronisław Komorowski."

"The Łódź Film School is probably the only higher education institution in Poland that's able to compete globally", said President Bronisław Komorowski in Łódź.

For my non-Polish readers, some info about the film school: (from Wprost24) "This academic year there are 154 full-time and over 250 part-time students beginning their studies, in the following departments: directing, camerawork, animation and special effects, film editing, TV and film production, acting, stills photography and screenwriting. In total there are some 900 people studying at the film school, taught by around 160 lecturers."

Tatuś is so proud!

This time last year:
Leonard Cohen in Katowice

This time two years ago:
Autumn evening, central Warsaw

This time three years ago:
Short-term future of suburban development

This time four years ago:
"You'll look funny when you're fifty"


  1. Understandable why Tusk dodged the President bullet if the role is opening the school year for undergraduates! Hope Moni does well on the course - Lodz is a city on the up and up. Whats your view on Sunday's election - will Mr. Ducks insult to Ozzie Angela have an impact or is it all over already??

  2. Too close to call. Polls are meaningless. Sunday had PiS one point behind PO - today they are trailing by eight points. Polls cannot be trusted. Nothing's over. Everyone who can vote must vote. A massive turnout is needed to ensure the nation's voice is heard.
