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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Waiting for the change to come

So here I am, neither on one pavement nor the other, waiting for the lights to change, waiting for the green, waiting to make a move; watching and waiting, watching for signs. Everyone's waiting, no one's wanting to talk, busy - busy waiting...

Hoża tram stop on ul. Marszałkowska, lunchtime, slight snow, light frost. Winter will be over in six weeks. I'm waiting for those first signs that life's miracle will unfold once more.

This time last year:
A wetter Poland?

This time three years ago:
Heavy overnight snow

This time four years ago:
Changing Jeziorki skyline


  1. How very strange. I finished my journey into town at that exact tram stop today. And I don't go to Warsaw very often. Not so sure winter will be over in six weeks though, except officially.
