The view from my north-west facing bedroom window is changing. More and more detached houses are springing up around us - as of now, the pace of change is bareable.
Above: The roof starts going up on 12 February... two days later the structure is in shape (
below). And what a difference a bit of sunlight makes to the scene, eh?

Two weeks on (28 Feb) and the roof's waiting for the tiles (
below). Note the crossed axe-and-saw device on the right-hand bay. This is the sign that the carpenters working on this house are a team down from the Tatra mountains.

The most important thing for us is that the city authorities refused planning permission to a developer wishing to build 14 houses on the plot immediately next to ours (along the north-east facing side of our garden/drive). Reason the application failed:
airport zoning.
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