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Wednesday 24 October 2012

Glasgow snapshots

Some photographs from last week's trip to Glasgow, which pressure of time have prevented me from uploading earlier. Below: the concourse on Glasgow Central station - prime Victorian railway heritage nicely preserved and functioning within the needs of modern passenger transport requirements.

Below: frontage of Glasgow Central station on Gordon St, corner of Union St. To my right, an excellent Mexican snack bar, where I could barely make my order understood to the Glaswegian waitresses, nor they their reply to me. The crispy-shelled tacos were fabulous though.

Below: looking down Mitchell St, the east side bathed in strong autumnal afternoon light, highlighting Victorian detail in the sandstone façade. Cobbles survive as the road surface.

Left: an old police box, on the corner of Buchanan St and Royal Bank Place, from the days before officers were equipped with radios. Policemen and citizens alike could put a call through to the main police station through one of these. Glasgow police boxes used to be red - this one is the more usual colour. It is a classic 1929 Mackenzie Trench design.

Below: Gallery of Modern Art on Glasgow's Royal Exchange Square.

Glasgow may not have the instant allure of Edinburgh, but it is certainly a majestic city, resonating with the echoes of its former strength and dignity as the Second City of Empire.

This time last year:
Slow farewell to our Powiśle office

This time last year:
A slow farewell to my Nissan Micra

1 comment:

  1. If Edinburgh is Cracow then Glasgow is Lodz (with a bit of Gdansk and Katowice thrown in).
