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Monday 31 December 2012

Year-end transportation changes

Another big thank you for Marcin Daniecki for tipping me off about the new signs that have appeared on the platform of W-wa Jeziorki station a few days ago. Below: Marcin's photo showing workmen putting in the new sign, which is parallel to the tracks rather than standing perpendicularly to it. I don't know which is easier to see from an approaching train... Note: each man in the photo is working!

Below: hail unto the New Sign! The old one has gone (what would I have paid to have it in my garage!) but its memory lives on at the foot of my blog. I'm not convinced as to the typeface (the serifs on the letter 'I' but not on other letters - a bit messy).

Something else that's disappeared as of the end of December - Warsaw's Konstal 13N trams will carry their last regular passengers on the last day of 2012. The majority will be scrapped, a few will be preserved for tourist specials. I remember these trams well from my visit to Warsaw as an eight year-old boy in the summer of 1966, for me they were the very epitome of modern design and sophisticated urban living.

Below: heading off down ul. Puławska towards the loop at Wyścigi, a 13N (nicknamed Żmija - 'adder' or Parówka - 'frankfurter') on its last day in service - although this one was out of service on this particular trip.

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