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Thursday 9 May 2013

Al. Szucha in bloom

Aleja Jana Chrystiana Szucha, named after German architect and freemason, Johann Christian Schuch, links Pl. Unii Lubelskiej and Pl. Na Rozdrożu. I work here, and I must say, I'm rather proud to do so. A much better address than ul. Nowogrodzka in Warsaw's mid-town where we were before.

There are many notable buildings along Al. Szucha; the infamous one is shown below - no. 25, home to the Gestapo during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw. Today, looking much less grim, with orange and purple flowers blooming outside, it is where you'll find the education ministry (Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej).

Further on down towards my office is no. 23, which is home to the foreign ministry (Ministerstwo Spraw Zewnętrznych). Again, a cheerful floral display enlivens the external walls of the corridors of power.

Another gorgeous day with temperatures hitting 29C, spring in Warsaw at its finest. This really is the best time to visit - the week between the May Day holidays (1-3 May) and the Ice Saints (12-15 May) generally offers some fine weather, not too hot or humid; the greenery is at its freshest, and the flowers have all exploded into bloom.

This time last year:
From Warsaw's highest bar

This time two years ago:
Loose Lips Sink Ships - Part One

This time three years ago:
Driving home at the end of the working day
[in the days when it was still socially acceptable to do so]

This time 25 years ago:
Poland's worst aviation disaster
[just across the road from Jeziorki]

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