My new online project...

Friday 10 May 2013

Kitten time!

I mentioned a few weeks ago that Moni's cat Lila was pregnant. This morning, out they popped. It's spring, nature is bursting into leaf, into life. It's wonderful to observe. A thought crossed my mind - with a cat's average lifespan being 12-14 years, I should outlive these kittens before I hit 70! (all else being well).

First out, a marmalade tom. The second I actually witnessed emerging - a white one with black patches. The vet's USG suggested at least three inside, so as I write I'm at home waiting for the rest of the litter to appear. Below: mum and first two kittens in the birthing box.

Note to kittens: you'll not find your mother's nipples on her neck or her ankle. Still, the kittens are doing well for three hours old, visibly stronger already. Lila is a young and healthy cat, complications were not expected. She ate both placentas, licked the kittens and herself clean. I just hope the rest of the litter emerges soon...

Just after midday, the third kitten, mostly white with a black patch on its rear quarters, emerged. All doing fine! Below: the trio of blind kittens, feeding hard, the youngest one to the right, the oldest in the middle.

A fourth one popped out at half past one, black, with white markings (below, immediately to the right of Lila's forepaws). No tortoiseshells, sadly... Smells like they're all male...

With their mother gone for her first feed after giving birth (other than placenta), the quartet pose together for their first group shot (the final kitten to be born seems camera shy, and is lurking in the back). I take the opportunity to snip back the kittens' umbilical cords.

Watch them as they grow on this blog!

This time last year:
Warsaw - Centrum to Jeziorki by train with super-wide lens

This time two years ago:
Loose Lips Sink Ships - part II

This time three years ago:
Jeziorki in the infra red

This time four years ago:
Some rain, at last!

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