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Saturday 21 September 2013

Summer's end, Jeziorki

After a morning and early afternoon editing texts, it was good to see the clouds drifting away to reveal a clear blue sky for the remainder of the day. Time, then, for a two hour-long stroll around Jeziorki, to catch some sunshine on this, the last day of this year's astronomical summer, which ends tomorrow evening.

Below: Jeziorki has become an even better place to live now that the flood-prevention work has been completed. There's still some tidying to be done (several tonnes of sand could be dumped here to make an attractive beach, for example).

Below: looking at the main pond from the north end. A fine body of water, which is already attracting the anglers. A little cafe selling Radler-style shandy would be nice.

Below: between ul. Kórnicka and its retention ponds and the main lake between ul. Dumki and Trombity, the reed-beds and wetlands have been kept; an important habitat for wildlife has been preserved. Swans have been staying in Jeziorki for the past few summers, the reed-beds are now more secluded than before.

Below: the fields behind ul. Nawłocka lie fallow and are host to the local flowers - goldenrod (nawłoć, after which the street is called) and tansy (wrotycz). In a month's time they will have ceased to bloom.

Another 'this is not America, no?' moment. Sunset on ul. Trombity, perfect blue sky, spanned by cables. Today the sun set at 18:37; sunrise was at 06:20.

A splendid walk, full of promise for a clement autumn.

A little fantasy I've long harboured would be to take off from the Northern Hemisphere on this day (or shortly after) and fly to somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. Chile, Argentina, New Zealand or Australia... and spend the next six months there (working, of course, and blogging), and returning to Poland just as spring starts to bloom...

This time two years ago:
Ząbowska, Praga's newly-hip thoroughfare

This time four years ago:
Catching the klimat

This time six years ago:
Road to Łuków - a road trip into the sublime


  1. Clement autumn? An over-optimistic prospect? Long-term forecasts of chill, rain and ground frost fill with gloom...

    For many months I haven't found the weather as depressing as it is these days. But every year there must be a spell of gold Polish autumn. Or maybe the scenario will be like in 2008 - after gloomy September warm and sunny October. May it happen :)

  2. "Another 'this is not America, no?'" Teaser :)
