Another gorgeous day, the eighth in a row. I must use the bicycle on every possible occasion before the weather breaks and six months of gloom, damp and grey misery descend (punctuated, of course, by those wondrous days of blue skies and sharp frosts).
Left: The south end of ul. Wirażowa has all but disappeared. In its place are numerous tracks, some bisected by huge puddles. It's easy to get lost on this stretch between ul. Karnawał and Okęcie's cargo terminal. This morning I turned left too early and ended up cycling along this alley of birch trees. The airport's runway 15/33 is just to the left of this shot. In the distance, the viaduct linking ul. Wirażowa to Ursynów.
Below: Half an hour later, I've negotiated Wirażowa to the end, crossed ul. Sasanki, and have pedalled along ul. Żwirki i Wigury as far as Pole Mokotowskie (wrongly translated by the city authorities as 'Mokotowskie Grounds Park'; it should of course be 'Mokotowskie
Fields Park'). Just before turning left into the park, I come across this magnificent Chevy Stepside pickup, advertising Jeff's Bar & Grill, and American diner themed restaurant.
Below: I've not been here, but it looks
authentico. Apart from the Heineken. Cycling home this way, I note that at around six pm, the place is packed. A good sign.

One day before autumnal equinox, 2009. It's 27 minutes past six. The sun sets and rises at half past six. (Funnily enough, at the vernal equinox, it sets and rises at quarter past six. Can anyone explain that?) Right: Sunset across the tracks, just south of W-wa Dawidy station. Is there a village in Yorkshire called T'Davids?
Above: An interesting train at the level crossing at ul. Baletowa, approaching W-wa Dawidy station. A returning permanent way train, the last three flat cars now without rails. The first two wagons after the engine are the
wagony socjalne ('social wagons'), where the workmen can rest, eat, wash their undies, drink coffee.
1 comment:
We know the owner of Jeffs and have eaten there a few times (the one in Galleria Mokotow usually). It's okay but not as authentic as it looks!
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