My new online project...

Sunday 17 November 2013

Cause and effect?

I wrote two weeks ago about the new initiative by Warsaw's city authorities to create a one-stop shop for complaints about one's street. So I e-mailed the city to complain about the mess left on ul. Kórnicka by the builders who'd complete phase 1 of the flood prevention work. Two days later I was informed that the issue was sorted. Since then, I've been travelling, but on Sunday morning, I went to take a look at what was happening on Kórnicka.

Below: it seems that things are as they were - people with development potential in the area of tidiness are still leaving their fast-food wrappers in the road, the huge mound of earth between Kórnicka and the ponds is still there. But what's that on the horizon...?

Below: the builders are back! Trucks, equipment - the base itself has been tidied up - good news.

There's still much to do - all these bricks, I presume, will form the hardcore that will be rollered under asphalt on the far end of ul. Dumki? Just enough to give a nice, smooth surface for cyclists and pedestrians. No cars please!

Below: looking down ul. Dumki from Kórnicka. Now the builders are back, I hope there will be a return to the tempo of work we had this time last year, when a great deal was achieved in a short space of time.

Now the question - cause and effect. Are the builders back because I used the city's 19115 service to complain about the mess on Kórnicka? Or were they scheduled to come back and start clearing up? Did Ms Gronkiewicz-Waltz launch the 19115 service as a result of the failed referendum to oust her from office, or was she planning to do this many months ago?

I'm sure some one in city hall knows the answers to both of these questions...

This time last year:
Foggy days and Warsaw's airports

This time three years ago:
Local elections - the lure of ultra-localism

This time four years ago:
Synchronicity of shape: Powiśle, California and Hanger Lane

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