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Sunday 27 March 2016

London blooms in yellow

A catch-up from my last two weeks Kingdom-side. March is the month of daffodils in London. They bloom earlier than in Poland. Two weeks of settled weather, the first rain fell on Thursday, a day before my return to Warsaw. Plenty of daffodils. Some have been in flower since the tail-end of January. The growing season is extending. Below: outside my father's house.

Below: looking up Clarendon Road in Ealing, towards Fox Lane, daffodils over the Thames Valley Water mains running down from the reservoir at the top of the hill.

Below: Haven Green, Ealing Broadway. The white fencing around the green is an original feature.

Below: daffodils in Hyde Park.

Below: magnolia in bloom, Hyde Park.

This time last year:
London's Docklands: a case-study in urban regeneration

This time two years ago:
Scotland and its language

This time three years ago:
Death, our sister

This time four years ago:
First bike ride to work of the year

This time six years ago:
Poland's trains ran faster before the war

This time seven years ago:
Winter in spring: surely this must be the last snow?

This time eight years ago:
Surely THIS must be the last snow?

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