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Sunday 20 August 2017

365 days since the closure of the level crossing...

Time to issue a commemorative stamp; it is exactly one year since the level crossing on ul. Karczunkowska was closed.

In its place would be a viaduct carrying traffic over the railway line by W-wa Jeziorki station. There's been some grzebbing in the overhead power supply and in the water and sewerage, the asphalt's been ripped up, but just as a year ago there was no sign of a viaduct, there is no sign of one today.

As of 9 April this year, an alternative crossing was opened linking ul. Gogolińska across the track to the Biedronka access road. This is meant to be a temporary solution while the viaduct gets built; the very fact that there's now an alternative means that there's no real rush the viaduct.

Below: looking west along Karczunkowska, as closed as closed as it could possibly be. Fences on both sides of the track. Pedestrians and cyclists can cross, but motorised traffic has to do a 750m detour via Goglińska.

Below: a frustrated scribble on the sign board announcing last year's closure of the road (bottom right, click to enlarge).

Below: looking east with the tracks in the foreground.

Apparently, the reason the viaduct is not being built is to do with the papers not being in order. Below: I climbed up onto a heap of earth on the western side of the tracks to get this snap. So much time, so little progress.

Once again I wonder out loud whether the viaduct will be finished before the S7 joins Węzeł  Lotnisko and Grójec; as of now, the tender bid appeals are being considered, but work on the S7 is expected to begin in March 2019 and completed in March 2022. As readers of this blog will know, such expectations are rarely met.

This time last year:
That's it! the level crossing's closed.

This time two years ago:
What happened to Poland's Amish?

This time three years ago:
PKP publishes plans for upgrade of Warsaw-Radom line

This time four years ago:
World's largest ship calls in at Gdańsk

This time six years ago:
Raymond's Treasure - a short story

This time seven years ago: 
Now an urban legend: Kebab factory under W-wa Centralna 

This time eight years ago: 
It was twenty years ago today 

This time ten years ago: 
By bike to Czachówek again

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