My new online project...

Tuesday 22 August 2017


Am I walking home or am I dreaming?

One of those familiar dreams where it's the dead of night but it's just like day?

I am almost there, but the paces feel lazy, I want to rest and walk at the same time

Lie down and dream about walking... walking...walking...

Relief and rest, familiarity and consciousness spreading out across the night air.

This time two years ago:
Whatever happened to Poland's Amish?

This time three years ago:
PKP publishes plans for upgrade of Warsaw-Radom line

This time four years ago:
World's largest ship calls in at Gdańsk

This time six years ago:
Raymond's Treasure - a short story

This time seven years ago: 
Now an urban legend: Kebab factory under W-wa Centralna 

This time eight years ago: 
It was twenty years ago today 

This time ten years ago: 
By bike to Czachówek again

1 comment:

  1. ....capturing the place where all roads meet under the yellow glow of infinite consciousness...ever expanding, never faltering...always searching and illuminating our journey from then to when, from here to now..the expansion smiles like a delta of eternal mental rivers of purest joy

    Frater Suffragan
