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Monday 28 August 2017

Waiting for the level crossing barriers - Dawidy and Nowa Iwiczna

The new railway timetable comes into force on Sunday, with minor changes on the line from Radom to Warsaw. The fastest time between W-wa Jeziorki and W-wa Śródmieście is cut to 27 minutes (from 28), though on average times are about the same. I was expecting more of an improvement, especially once the new gated level crossings at Nowa Iwiczna (below) and at W-wa Dawidy become operational and trains don't have to slow down ahead of them as they do for ungated crossings. It seems evident (thanks Ian for the tip-off) that the one at Nowa Iwiczna (below) will not be ready by this weekend.

The gate at W-wa Dawidy look just days away from completion, this morning and this evening there were several workers on site getting on with getting the job done.

On ul. Baletowa, the road sign will have to be changed to 'gated level crossing' from 'ungated' (why a symbol of a 2-6-0 loco in full steam is used, when they disappeared decades ago is interesting - I suppose it is unambiguous). Note just beneath the white/red.white/green/white of two tourist trails (szlaki turystyczne) that both start at W-wa Dawidy station.

And between the stations, unfinished signalling. These two are turned in by 90 degrees so as not to confuse train drivers. When the work's ready, they'll be turned outward parallel to the tracks.

The view from the footpath leading towards W-wa Jeziorki. Note the new electricity pylons to the left; these are being put up to replace the old power lines which spark and cackle ominously.

This time last year:
More Sandomierz photos

This time two years ago:
All aboard the Gold Train rush

This time six years ago:
Dominicans at large, Służew 

This time seven years ago: 
Late summer moods, Jeziorki 

This time eight years ago: 
The next one hundred years 

This time nine years ago: 
"What do we want? Early retirement!
When do we want it? NOW!"

This time ten years ago: 
Twilight of Warsaw's greenhouse economy

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