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Monday 9 April 2018

Work proceeding across Jeziorki

It's all go - on the railway viaduct, the water mains, the bus stops - but further plans are also ongoing. The city hall has just published its zoning plan for the Trombity/Sarabandy bit of Jeziorki, a plan that entails building a dense network of roads where currently are only fields and gardens (including a slice of our garden). Given how long it takes things to get built, this may or may not happen (compare this development plan from 2008 to the actual state of Mysiadło today).

In the meanwhile, there's so much going on... this is the peak of the building boom but there are major constraints on the construction sector - material prices and wages are increasing at an unsustainable rate. Below: new blocks of flats going up in Zamienie.

Below: another crane between ul. Sarabandy and Puławska

Below: cement being poured into the viaduct taking ul. Karczunkowska over the railway line.

Below: view along the coal line under the new viaduct. The line is used as a footpath by rail passengers from west of the tracks heading into town. The 'safe' way is a 120m detour.

Below: water mains being laid along ul. Trombity. It's Sunday, so there's no work going on; during the week, the road's shut.

How many years before these latest plans for Jeziorki realised - if at all?

This time last year:
Karczunkowska reopens to traffic

This time six years ago:
Goodness gracious!

This time seven years ago:

This time eight years ago:
Cycling and recycling

This time nine years ago:
Winter clings on to the forest

This time ten years ago:
Toyota launches the iQ

This time eleven years ago:
Old school Łódź


  1. When I took off over Jeziorki last week I was quite surprised at the width of the viaduct compared to the road either side of it. It looks wider than a single carriageway road.

  2. @John Savery

    The width is there to accommodate bus stops on either side, by the steps leading down to the platforms. I guess a pedestrian island would be in order; passengers changing from the westbound bus to catch a train to town would be charging across a busy road, so safety is a concern...
