My new online project...

Sunday 30 September 2018

Quick update, Jakubowizna

Big difference over a week! Below: the kitchen, with bathroom and back bedroom at the end. Needed: kitchen cabinets, cooker/oven, sink, work surfaces, light shades, table and chairs.

Upstairs, now the floor is clear, plenty of light. Again, light fixtures needed, furniture - done!

View of the upstairs room from the front balcony.

Below: rear patio, railings need painting.

Below: the garage - whole lot of work needed here. Weatherproofing a first priority!

Below: the front - paving done, all that's needed for the elevations is thermal isolation and plasterwork, then painting.

Meanwhile, at Chynów station, track modernisation work continues apace over the weekend. Two ballast trucks stand on the (closed to passenger traffic) 'up' line. There's currently no train of an evening between 17:04 and 19:02.

Last week I showed hops growing on a no-through road sign in Jeziorki. I picked those hops and made three and half litres of hop extract to mix with sparkling mineral water to produce a refreshing non-alcoholic beverage with the bitterness of an IPA.

A fine weekend weatherwise, but temperatures now autumnal; even in the midday sun two layers are a minimum. Despite the sunshine, top temperature this weekend was 15C, ground frosts expected soon.

This time last year:
Miedzianka by Filip Springer

This time three years ago:
Out of the third, into the fourth

This time four years ago:
Inverted reflections

This time five years ago:
Observations from London's WC1
and Observations from the City of London

This time six years ago:
Civilising Jeziorki's wetlands

This time seven years ago:
Warsaw's Aleje Jerozolimskie

This time eight years ago:
Melancholy autumn mood in Łazienki

This time ten years ago:
Autumn gold, Zamienie

This time 11 years ago:
Flamenco Sketches - Seville

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