This is more like it! Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day. Fourth day in a row with clear blue skies, in the afternoon at least. Temperature +16C. We all set off
en famille for a walk, when we bump into by Darek and Ewa, old friends from London with a place in North Wales, who are now on the verge of a return to Poland. Their new Warsaw house will be just up the road from us, in nearby Grabów.
Above: ripening pumpkins at the far end of ul. Trombity.

The walk extended towards Zamienie, where changes are happening fast. The vaccine factory buildings have been demolished, leaving just a handful of buildings still standing, including the fire station and the admin block. The boiler house, labs and stables have all gone. Meanwhile work on the new estate to the north of Zamienie, Polne Maki, is rushing ahead, a showhouse is now open to potential customers.
Above: The view from Zamienie looking west towards Zgorzała. Click on the label 'Zamienie' below to see how things were.
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