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Friday 28 June 2019

Jakubowizna in high summer

Went to the Urząd Gminy in Chynów this morning to notify the local authorities of my purchase of the adjoining plot of land, register it for tax etc. Sadly, the office was closed. A wasted journey - though a good walk along the way, and quick pop-in visit to my działka.

Had I bothered to check the urząd's website before going, I might not have found this notice. It was buried near the bottom of the home page. I'd have needed to have scrolled past seven local news stories (such as level-crossing closures and weather warnings) to discover that on the day I'm due to go there, the office will be closed. At least it's open next Saturday.

Anyway, lovely weather, lovely scenery, so no great loss. A burger at J&B Snack Bar and off I go to survey my landholdings. Below: floral gate - wild roses greet me. Every time I come in spring and summer, some flower or other is in bloom, always a pleasant surprise

Below: house looking good, now to sort out the garden, but first I need to incorporate the new plot into the totality and fence the whole thing off as a single parcel of land. Before I can do that, through the good offices of a geodeta (legal surveyor), I need to have a court document stating my ownership of the land; this can take months. And so I wait...

"Hey daddy-o/I don't wanna go/In to the basement" sung the Ramones; an entirely understandable sentiment. Below: here's my basement - the thin black line on the wall on the left shows the extent of May's flood.

Below: a spider's web in the basement sprinkled with drops of condensation. It's damp down here, but the house above is insulated by a thick layer of protective material.

After checking that all is well, locking up and setting the alarm, I head ofp back to Chynów station. Month Ten of the railway line modernisation, and here, emerging, is the subway passage that will link platforms and Jakubowizna with Chynów.

Between the station and town, I walk down ul. Działkowa and see this lovely 1980s Ursus C-330 tractor, fitted (though you can't see it from this view) with the narrowest-track axles to get between the rows of apple trees. The C-330 was an all-Polish design, in production from 1967-87.

Bonus shots pointing my 300mm zoom right above me to capture single-piston-engined aircraft directly above me. Below: a Yak-12 of the Warszawski Aeroklub

Below: a Cessna 172 (most-produced aircraft in history, still in production after 62 years)

This time last year:
Warsaw's Raffles Hotel opens

This time four years ago:
The ballad of Heniek and Ziutek

This time five years ago:
Yorkshire's yellow bicycles

This time ten years ago:
Horse-drawn in the Tatras

This time 11 years ago:
Rain, wind and fire

This time 12 years ago:
The Road beckons

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