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Sunday 24 May 2020

Jeziorki in May

The second half of May is loveliest time of year. The greenery is at its most verdant, many flowers are in bloom. It's not too hot - it's been a cool May so far, and the rain has brought welcome relief after a bone-dry and snow-free winter. Far more is needed, however - it's painful to watch waterfowl wading in water they should be diving in. Photos from the manor, then. No particular order...

Below: ulica Żmijewska. Yes, a Warsaw street - find it in any atlas*. It heads west from ul. Pozytywki. In the far distance, you can make out the platform lighting of W-wa Jeziorki station, although ul. Żmijewska doesn't reach that far, it just peters out in the fields, just like the next 'street' running parallel to it to the south, ul. Katarynki. This is the southernmost end of Jeziorki.

And to the north - and just across the tracks at W-wa Dawidy - a splendid new and temporary view of the skyline of Warsaw's upcoming new central business district around Rondo Daszyńskiego, in Wola (below). In the foreground, the junction of the S2 and S79; the new S7 extension will connect here with the S79. Photo taken from a huge hill of soil that's part of the new roadworks around here.

Below: ulica Dumki threads its way between the southern ponds (the one on the left is totally dry - you can walk across it. Not even muddy).

Below: panorama of central Warsaw, with a LOT Dreamliner coming into land at Warsaw Okęcie airport. Photo taken from the path of the S7 (under construction).

Below: corduroy field stretching from ul. Dawidowska to ul. Trombity, chimneys of Siekierki power station on the horizon.

Below: view from the far end of my back garden, arable field to the left (barley or oats) and fallow fields to the right.

Below: ul. Karczunkowska.  Memento mori - a roadside cross commemorating the victim of a traffic accident. This is the most dangerous stretch of the road, with no pavement on either side. In winter or autumn or after heavy rains it can be impossible to walk anywhere but on the asphalt, sharing the roadway with speeding traffic.

Below: a threatening sky, sunset not too far; drainage ditch running north-west from ul. Kórnicka, and a southbound train on the horizon.

A much-needed rain shower passing over the last house along ul. Dumki.

Below: part of tourist trail (szklak turystyczny) MZ-5142-z between ul. Dumki and Sarabandy; it runs from W-wa Dawidy station all the way via the Las Kabacki forest to the Vistula at Ciszyca.

* Later in 2020, the City of Warsaw was to 'unstreet' ul. Żmijewska - the sign has gone from the building on the corner of ul. Pozytywki, leaving only a dirt track.

This time last year:

This time three years ago
That tune going round your head now...

This time four years ago:
The eyes... the eyes... 

This time five years ago:
New old terminal open at Okęcie airport

This time seven years ago:
Arrogance vs. humility 

This time eight years ago:
Warsaw looking good ahead of the football-fan influx

This time nine years ago:
Heron over Jeziorki

This time 13 years ago:
Present rising, future loading

1 comment:

  1. Remarkable images that capture the very essence of the natural mood and intensity of Nature. The first photograph seems to be alive with hues, moods, tonal poems of the heart and of the soul and of the spiritual - like some watercolour that bleeds itself into the clouds. My writings will be further influenced by it as you have captured a secret country there. The photo with the memorial cross..... so poignant.

    Frater Idyllica du Bois
