My new online project...

Monday 8 June 2020

Monochrome moods

I promised some black and white treatments of recent photos, so here they are. Click to enlarge.

A return to my photographic roots - my black-and-white darkroom at Ribchester Avenue, Perivale; my four semesters of photography evening classes at Central St Martin's, printing high-quality 16" x 20" bromide prints from my negatives; many hours poring over Ansel Adams' textbooks - The Camera, The Negative and The Print. But the big question - the only question - is about emotional response. Does the monochromatic image convey more or less than a colour image? Can it be said to represent the subject conscious experience of what I saw and felt better than colour? In landscape photography, where is B&W best suited?

Below: Sierra da Vidy, where the S7 is being built

Below: Oak leaves and rain drops, ulica Dawidowska

Below: culvert under the tracks, between W-wa Dawidy and W-wa Jeziorki

Below: abandoned electricity generation plant, Jeziorki. [Four months later, it was finally demolished.]

Below: trees by W-wa Jeziorki station, dusk.

Below: an estate of new houses nears completion, ulica Kórnicka

Below: the road to Chynów station, from Jakubowizna.

This time two years ago:

This time four years ago:
Street art, Piotrków Trybunalski

This time seven years ago:
Quality engineering from half a century ago

This time eight years ago:
Fans fly in to Warsaw for Euro 2012

This time nine years ago:
Cara al Sol - part II

This time ten years ago:
Still struggling with the floodwaters

This time 11 years ago:
European elections - and I buy used D40

The time 12 years ago:
To the Vistula, by bike

This time 13 years ago:
Poppy profusion

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