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Tuesday 28 July 2020

Dusk through dust

Work on the S7 extension continues - eight pm and they're still at it. Up and down go the eight-wheeler dumper trucks bringing sand to the huge mountains for the ramps and embankments. It's been largely dry, so the trucks kick up dust, which refracts the rays of the sinking sun.

Below: looking west towards Zamienie and Dawidy Bankowe. The hills of soil have sprouted vegetation.

Below: sun sets over Dawidy Bankowe. In two years' time an expressway will roar through this field.

Below: rising in the foreground, the ramp that will take the S7 over ulica Baletowa. On the horizon, the towers of Wola, 13km to the north.

Update: Here I am, Friday 31 July, at Chynów station. In a straight line, its 38km (24 miles) from where I'm standing to those same towers on the skyline.

This time last year:

This time three years ago:
[The line took 20 months to build, eight years to modernise]


  1. Must be an emotional time -this day, last year,your beloved Tata flying in for the commemorations of the Powstanie.

  2. @Helena

    Very much so. Four years in a row he visited; Powązki at Godzina W will never be the same.
