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Tuesday 11 August 2020

Kilometres of new asphalt for Gmina Chynów

My stays at Jakubowizna are getting longer - Friday to Tuesday this week. Meetings in Warsaw tomorrow, so time to return to Jeziorki. While I'm out in the countryside, I can observe a huge leap in infrastructure development locally. The railway line is nearing completion - without doubt, there will be two working lines to Warka by September (Warka to Radom will be a longer story). And alongside the railway, new asphalted roads will make local travel easier, even if some level crossings will be closed.

Below: this is a completely new stretch of road, an extension of ul. Kolejowa south towards Krężel. At the moment, it only leads to the level crossing on ul. Spokójna, a dirt-track through a forest on either side. Note the southbound train, advertised as heading for Radom - it will run to Warka from where a replacement bus service will take passengers further. There's one white and one red light on, denoting single-line working. This should be over soon.

Below: new asphalt soon for ul. Kolejowa in Chynów. The road is being realigned to ensure a better angle at the level crossing

Below: new asphalt at the end of my road. A slightly quicker, and more comfortable walk to the station.

Below: Chynów station will soon have full pedestrian amenities - a foot-tunnel under the tracks to connect the two platforms - and more importantly, to connect Jakubowizna with Chynów.

Riding on old, bumpy, cracked, patched asphalt isn't a heap of fun on a motorbike which, true to its early 1950s pierwowzór has no rear suspension other than a sprung saddle and balloon tyres. Roads around here are a mixture - good stretches, bad stretches - and stretches with no asphalt whatsoever.

Below: looking down towards Chynów station. The big, recently planted orchard will need fencing. You can see my hardtail bike likes fresh asphalt.

Below: same stretch, later the next evening.

Below: Google Earth map showing extent of the new asphalt. Central stretch around Chynów station still missing. Total of three kilometres of asphalt between ul. Miodowa and ul. Spokojna, doubled up on the section between ul. Miodowa and the crossing at Widok.

1 comment:

  1. If only PKP had asked, they could have acquired Great Western's high output electrification train: one careful owner (actually so careful that they hardly used it!)

    Your newly asphalted road looks a lot smoother than many rural roads in Wiltshire. Nevertheless many motorcyclists have been out enjoying the glorious weather.
