My new online project...

Friday 14 August 2020

Twilight ride

When you find joy, turn it into a replicable experience, burn it into your memory. Getting to the działka in the evening after a week's work, get bike out of garage and do a spin around local roads, at a modest pace, to catch the dusk and its afterglow - bliss. With Nikon Coolpix A slung around my neck, set to full auto, and triggered by a remote-control cable running down the inside of the sleeve of my leather jacket, it's safe. And look at the speedo - 45km/h. "I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. ...Takin' her easy for all us sinners."

Below: between Dobiecin and Rososz. Entering forests yields a wealth of olfactory experience and a sudden faceful of cooler air.

Below: today's photo of bike with water tank in Appleland.

Below: into the setting sun - heading west towards Chynów and the petrol station.

Below: back in Jakubowizna, having another go along the fresh asphalt laid only last week.

Fingers crossed as to the outcome 100 miles east of here, across the border in Belarus!

This time last year:

This time four years ago year:
Popping out for a drink

This time ten years ago:
In search of happiness

This time 11 years ago:
Mercenaries and missionaries

This time 12 years ago:
Spectacular sunrise, Jeziorki

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