My new online project...

Saturday 1 August 2020

One photo for the Warsaw Uprising anniversary

From the batch of photos so kindly sent by my cousin Teresa from Canada. Dated October 1996, captioned in my mother's hand "Kolacja w naszym domu. Panowie to koledzy Bohdana z Powstania Warszawskiego". (Supper at our house. The gentlemen are Bohdan's comrades from the Warsaw Uprising.) My father, then 73, raising a toast across the table to Albert Jarosz and Józef Malinowski, their wives and my mother (right).

The date suggests a gathering commemorating the end, rather than the beginning of the Uprising.

On a personal note, I am sad not to have attended this year's commemorations, but I feel that keeping away from mass events (even if wearing a mask!) makes sense at a time of pandemic and rising numbers of new infections.

This time last year:
'W' Hour on the big day

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