My new online project...

Wednesday 7 October 2020

Railway progress, Chynów

 After five days in Jeziorki, I returned to Jakubowizna on Saturday morning, and have remained here since - I am lucky enough not to have to go into the office, so I shall avoid travelling into Warsaw while the Covid cases continue to soar. Working from the działka - especially on sunny autumnal days - is a pleasure. I punctuate conference calls, editing and responding to emails with walks around the neighbourhood, and I'm impressed at the pace of work around the railway, in particular the roads.

During my five days' absence, new asphalt has been laid on both sides of the northern level crossing, which is now officially and finally open. All that's needed is a new pair of barriers. Today, the asphalt received white lines, traffic signs are up and all looks good. Above all, there's pavement, so my walks between the działka and the station have become safer - although there's still much work to go before the underground passage linking Jakubowizna to the platforms (and to Chynów) is opened. 

Below: new asphalt, new road markings - and new pavement. Looking towards Chynów station from the southern end of Jakubowizna shortly before sunset.

Below: once the underground passage is completed, I will be able to walk part of the way home (the busy part) along a pavement. There's less traffic on the other side. No overtaking! 30km/h speed limit! Safer roads, I hope.

Below: the modernised level crossing awaits new barriers. For the time being, the old ones are in use. Like other level crossings along the modernised line, they come down very early - some three minutes before the train passes, which can frustrate drivers. To the right, the road towards to my działka, which has also been finally asphalted all the way to the junction.

Work on the roads on this part of the project nears completion, but the new level crossing at the other end of the station, by Widok, is still closed. I expect it will be ready within a week to ten days at the latest.

Below: bonus shot - a rather alarming cloud hangs over Mińsk... Mazowiecki.

While it's still relatively warm, I shall endeavour to keep out of harm's way and spend as much time working from the działka as possible. This morning, the temperature in the house (without any heating switched on) was 20.5C, while overnight the temperature outside had fallen to 9C, so the thermal insulation applied to the walls is effective!

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