My new online project...

Thursday 22 October 2020

Sunshine, take me to Jakubowizna

Ten days, rainy, overcast days; the sun hesitant to appear. But once it's out, I buy myself a train ticket online from W-wa Jeziorki to Chynów. I catch the southbound train and within the hour I'm back on the działka. A working day, I juggle conference calls, phone calls and emails with the call of the outdoors. 

As soon as I can, I'm off, down the road, to spend time walking around Jabukowizna and Chynów. On the way to my działka, peaceful scenes help me forget the state of the world. And it's not looking good out there, with over 12,000 new Covid-19 cases reported this morning in Poland.

All around the district, the last of the apples are being gathered in. The later the harvest, the better the price. This orchard is under nets; I feel this is the shape of things to come. A more controlled environment, less chemistry.

Below: corner of ulica Słoneczna and ul. Działkowa; I'm getting that familiar 'been here but not in this life' vibe that I get so often around here. Ohio, 1955.

Check the emails, grab a bite to eat, and get ready to commune with the setting sun. Below: outside my działka, heading down to the tracks. It's three years to the day that I found my place.

Below: the sun sets further and further south along the horizon. It now sets over Drwalew, rather than over Wola Pieczyska, as it did last month, or Sułkowice, as it did in summer.

This time three years ago:
I found it!

This time five years ago:
Ogórek by the Palace of Culture

This time nine years ago:
Autumnal dusk, Jeziorki

This time 13 years ago:
Autumn sun going out

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