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Monday 19 October 2020

Update on the S7 as it passes between Jeziorki and Dawidy

After a spell in Jakubowizna followed by a longer spell of wet weather, I've not had a good chance of late to follow progress on the S7 extension as it carves its way through the fields between Jeziorki and Dawidy.

Below: just to the east of the Action warehouse, the S7 is taking shape nicely. In the distance, the new road bridge that will take local traffic over the expressway; part of the junction Węzeł Zamienie. The viaduct is about half a kilometre north of ulica Dawidowska (from which the photo was taken), and will replace it as the link between Jeziorki to the east and Zamienie and Dawidy Bankowe to the west.

Ul. Dawidowska will be closed once the S7 is ready; a pedestrian footbridge will at least allow local residents to cross the expressway here on foot. Below: looking south-east from Dawidowska across the S7, pillars going up will support the new footbridge.

Looking across the other way towards Warsaw, two cement silos and a crane suggestive of the work going on between here and ul. Baletowa, the next east-west road cutting across the S7 (which will cross over it on a viaduct).

Below: looking east along ul. Dawidowska, just outside the Action warehouse. Two bus stops, currently serving the 715 and 809 routes, will be moved up to the new viaduct.

Below: the fields between the railway line and ul. Starzyńskiego have become a no-go zone because of the intensity of building work, but mainly because of the mud resulting from days of rain. When finished (opening scheduled for September 2022), this will be a massive interchange (three-quarters of a cloverleaf plus three roundabouts).

Below: a short video from Leniusz, member of the Polish Skyscraper City community, showing the state of progress of the works, starting at ul. Baletowa, then moving south via ul. Dawidowska. Taken one day before these photos.

This time last year:
[There was still hope then.]

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