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Saturday 7 November 2020

Covid-19: Poland's now experiencing its first wave

The graphs (from say it all. In March, Poland took the right measures at the right time - and stopped the first wave short. Compared to the UK, where the government dithered. Look at that first mountain of death that Poland never had. But then over the summer, complacency set in. "There is no danger, no disease." Schools reopened, children infected their grandparents, and now Poland is outstripping the UK both in terms of new cases and deaths. The UK has locked down. But Lockdown 2.0 is nowhere near as total as the belated 1.0. Meanwhile, it's Poland's turn to have a dithering government. A second lockdown is likely to be announced if the new cases figure stays between 27,000 and 29,000 for the next few days - and given that Sunday and Monday figures are always the lowest of the week, it means a lockdown may be announced on Wednesday or Thursday. Look at the graph, and the time-lag between cases and deaths. It suggests overflowing hospitals and human tragedy on a vast, national scale kicking in by the middle of next week.

Nothing more to add than spend as little time as possible in the proximity of other homo sapiens. Keep your distance, wear a mask outside and wash your hands as often as you can. 

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