My new online project...

Thursday 5 November 2020

Still waiting, so...

I had to go to the post office today to post some documents relating to my father's estate (everything's taking so much longer because of lockdowns in the UK and Poland). Being over 60, Poczta Polska will serve me between 10 and 12 without younger folk breathing their viruses everywhere, so a brisk walk there to get that done was needed. The sky was blue as I set off, but would cloud over.

Below: ul. Jeziorki, that time of year when leaves turn orangey-red and yet are still on the trees.

I passed through the cemetery; closed at the weekend, it was quite full this morning of people leaving flowers and candles on the graves of their family members. Below: the most recent three graves at the western edge; ages at death: 71 (F), 96 (F), 91 (M).

On the way home, I walked up the unasphalted ul. Sporna up to where it joins the similarly unasphalted ul. Hołubcowa. Along the way, I explored some tracks around here, between ul. Jeziorki and the railway line. Countryside, less than seven miles (11.2 km) from the Palace of Culture

I emerged by W-wa Dawidy station, and crossed ul. Baletowa, stopping to snap the new tunnel that will take the S7 over the street. Same view as I got yesterday evening., but with added daylight.

Below: the line from W-wa Dawidy to W-wa Jeziorki (in the far distance). Two Koleje Mazowieckie trains are passing, a modernised EN71 heading south towards Czachówek Południowy and a modernised EN57 heading north towards W-wa Wschodnia. Note how the land dips between the two stations, and the trackside drainage and signalling infrastructure.

Below: more from the S7 extension. Here we seen the new bridge that will connect Jeziorki to the east with Dawidy to the west. You can see the same dip in the land as in the photo above. Once the earth ramps are built up at both ends, the new bridge will become crossable on foot - I hope to visit on Christmas Day when there'll be no one around on the site.

This time last year:

This time two years ago:
You can always go downtown

This time four years ago:
Opinions vs facts - our media today

This time five years ago:
Judging PO's eight years in power

This time six years ago
Cloudless, 18C - the beauty of Polish autumn

This time seven years ago: 
Call 19115: Warsaw Fix-my-Street

This time nine years ago:
Vapour trails at sunset

This time nine years ago:
Autumnal blues


  1. They put the tunnel at Nowa Wola in place on Saturday as well. Far more pace than the bridge at Jeziorki.

  2. @Ian: in general, GDDKiA has better project managers than PKP PLK. Will have to walk down and check it out!
