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Wednesday 20 January 2021

Snow turns to slush

Within just over 48 hours, the temperature rose from -18C to +4C, the equivalent of a rise from -1C to +21C. Although the pond ice was still thick in general, by this afternoon there were already patches where slush was forming on the surface and where good sense told one to stay clear. The cause - bubbles of methane created by rotting vegetation on the pond's bed. I observed a tiny hole with water bubbling from beneath. Further on, the holes were bigger, the dark, slushy patches spreading across the width of the pond.

The previous evening, I went out in the evening as the working day was too busy for a daylight stroll. It was still -4C and snowing gently. Below: ulica Dumki. The Nikon Coolpix A working admirably.

Today's walk took me around Jeziorki from the south; here's one of my favourite views, among the scrubland where at this time of year only hares' pawprints can be seen in the snow.

Below: work on the S7 continues at an exemplary pace, although on the photo below one can only see a solitary excavator. Tipper trucks were in constant motion, though none in this shot.

Below: not easy working in these conditions; because the culvert under the east service road (in the foreground) has not yet been completed, road traffic is diverted onto the carriageway of the S7 for the duration. There is a steep slope to get from the service road to the S7; this flatbed semi-trailer had great difficulty making it - three attempts were needed. The first two ended with the combo slipping all the way back down. There isn't the space for a long run-up!

Below: just before crossing the tracks to get back to Jeziorki, a biomass train passes on its way to Siekierki power station. Co-firing wood chips with coal is a cheap (and in my mind ineffective) way for Poland to reduce its fossil-fuel dependence. 

This time last year:
London in its legal finery

This time two years ago:
Winter walk through the Las Kabacki

This time four years ago:

This time seven years ago:
Rain on a freezing day (-7C)

This time eight years ago:
Jeziorki in the snow

This time ten years ago:
Winter's slight return

This time 11 years ago:

This time 12 years ago:
Pieniny in winter

This time 13 years ago:
Wetlands in a wet winter

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