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Thursday 21 January 2021

The Sun and Snow

Sunshine reflecting off the snow - instant mood elevator. Thankfully, no work that cannot be delayed until after sunset, so off I go for a long stroll to catch those life-enhancing rays.

Below: Pozytywki pond. scenes unknown to me in my childhood - clear blue sky, snow on the ground. England's maritime climate very rarely offers such sights. I'm minded of skiing holidays in the French Alps - but the atmosphere up there at 2,000m above sea level was rather more lunar - council estates on the moon. Days like this bring back that sublime feeling - I know this but know not where from. The snow on the surface of the pond is quickly turning to slush as the sun beats down...

Below: further along ulica Pozytywki, a reminder that there's still plenty of agriculture going on within Warsaw's boundaries. Apropos of skiing holidays, I do miss the smell of French cigarettes hanging in the crisp Alpine air, though I'm not a smoker.

Below: Warsaw's southern boundary, defined by this drainage ditch. Warsaw to the right, Mysiadło to the left. In the distance, the Warsaw-Radom railway line. Warm enough to take off my hat and gloves.

From here a few paces forward, then turn 90 degrees right. Across the corduroy field, below, ul. Karczunkowska - and what's that on the horizon? Why, it's the top of Varso tower. The rest - and most of Warsaw's skyline - has been swallowed up by the world-beating smog. Polish cities vie with India's metropolises in global smog alerts these past days. Combination of coal-powered energy generation, lazy drivers driving to the office, and households burning whatever crap comes to hand.

But turn away from town for cleaner air. Looking south, walking into the sun.

Below: well down along the track to Nowa Iwiczna, looking back towards town this time.

I cross the track just north of Nowa Iwiczna and cross into Nowa Wola, where new estates are springing up like proverbial mushrooms after rain. Here's one I haven't seen before, off ul. Postępu just south of Zgorzała.

Along ul. Postępu, Osiedle Kolorowe (lit. 'Colourful Estate'). I'm in two minds about this garish paint scheme, but with a blue sky and strong sunshine, this looks like a tourist poster for a Norwegian fishing village. So I'm OK with this today!

This time last year:

This time three years ago
Notes from the Arena of the Unwell
[Interesting from the perspective of Covid-19]

This time four years ago:
The magic of a dawn flight

This time five years ago:
Warsaw as a voivodship

This time seven years ago:
Around town in the snow

This time nine years ago:
Reference books are dead

This time ten years ago:
A winter walk to work, and wet socks

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