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Saturday 30 January 2021

Winter's return

A fresh fall of snow and temperature staying below zero, at a comfortable -2C for much of the day. The snow is forecast to stay for a while. Despite the weather, work continues on the S7 extension. Below: this small thicket of trees and bushes protected from bulldozers and diggers by high-visibility fencing. 

Below: ul. Hołubcowa (to the left),one of Warsaw's unasphalted roads, where even four-wheel drives can get stuck in the mud. With the snow heavy on the ground, it's hard to tell what's road and what's field.

Below: a most unwelcome site/sight: the footpath MZ-5242-z skirted around an expanse of abandoned land overgrown with tansy and goldenrod; the field has been flattened and the vegetation stripped. Looks like a new house or houses will be built here. I trust the footpath, part of an official tourist trail, will remain, even though the online land registry map shows these plots as all belonging to someone. Same old Polish story.

Below: electricity cables and assorted wiring, corner of ul. Trombity and ul. Kórnicka

Below: home in time for tea, Saturday afternoon at dusk. Despite the un-English weather, this time of week brings back childhood Saturday afternoons by the telly, Grandstand, Final Score, Tom and Jerry, Early Evening News.

 Below: taken two days ago, before the new snows fell - abandoned house on ul. Kurantów.

Right: Felusia, Felis Cattus, of the family Felidae, is startled by the sight of a garden full of falling snow. She's been in heat for the best part of two months, so no going out, and a trip to the vet scheduled as soon as she's settled down a bit. Such a contrast to the late Papusia in character, evidently more intelligent and vastly more sociable - heaps more fun.

This time two years ago:

This time five years ago:
Daffodils and crocuses in bloom, in January!

This time six years ago:
Populist start to election campaign

This time seven years ago:
Straż Ochrony Kolei explained

This time eight years ago:
The end of winter? So early?

This time nine years ago:
How much education for the nation? 

This time ten years ago:
To the Catch - short story

This time 11 years ago:
Eternal Warsaw

This time 13 years ago:
From the family archives


  1. Yeah,cats are induced ovulators so Felusia will come into season every 2-3 weeks, unless she is mated.Cats mating season is from March til about September.

    It is a known emergency call to vets-‘help ,my cat is in agony ,screaming and rolling around the floor’...........

  2. @Helena,

    All done, Felusia snipped and an unbroken chain of procreation stretching back to the Last Universal Common Ancestor has come to an end. Rather sad, really. But the Selfish Humans will have a more docile Felusia around the house. Hopefully, another 18 years+ together.
