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Saturday 6 February 2021

Winter's walk, around Jakubowizna

For Moni

A day like today must be optimised; time to put on two masks, board train, and go down to Chynów, pop onto the działka, warm the house (inside the temperature was 5.5C on arrival), then set out on a long walk. Below: localised flooding, frozen, near Grobice.

Below: as last week's snows retreat, moss emerges to carpet the forest floor. Between Dobieszyn and Rososz.

Below: spiral pattern on frozen puddle along the forest track. In places, walking was difficult - slippery ice, or thin ice over puddles.

Below: medium-tension power lines run through the forest between Rososz and Jakubowizna. Note in the foreground, the pile of dumped apples.

Below: a small herd of deer cross the track - a doe and four fawns. Click to enlarge.

Below: not a state border; the red-and-white post denotes a geodetic control marker, on the edge of a field between Jakubowizna and Adamów Rosowski.

Below: where the sun don't shine. Plentiful snow at the top of the hill above Jakubowizna.

Below: the westward-facing slope was bereft of snow - only slippery ice in the ruts left by vehicle tracks.

Below: same spot, where the path for Grobice swings off to the right; 28 October last year, an hour and half nearer sunset.

Sunset today is an hour and ten minutes after the earliest sunset, an appreciable difference. And sunshine all day has been highly beneficial to the old samopoczucie. A long walk, including getting to the station and back, 25,000 paces, 20km, with 175 minutes of medium-to-high intensity walking. Ver, very good rezultat!

This time last year:

This time two years ago: 

This time four years ago:
15 years under one roof

This time six years ago:
Białystok: Ipswich of the East 

This time seven years ago:
Sadness at the death of Tadeusz Mosz 

This time eight years ago:
Interpreting vs. translating vs. explaining

This time nine years ago:
More than just an Iluzjon 

This time ten years ago:
Oldschool photochallenge

This time 11 years ago:
Warsaw's wonderful nooks and crannies

This time 13 years ago:
Viaduct to the airport at ul. Poleczki almost ready

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