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Sunday 28 March 2021

Medicine, mindfulness and miracles: Lent 2021, Day 40

In clinical trials 38% of those given the AstraZeneca vaccine reported at least one side-effect such as pain at the injection site, a headache or brief fever. But then so did 28% of those who got a placebo injection. Of the subjects given the placebo during the Pfizer vaccine clinical trials, 33% reported mild or moderate fatigue, and 33% mild or moderate headaches, compared to 34% and 33% respectively of the same age-group who received Pfizer's Covid jab*.

WOW! The clinical-trial subjects literally received an injection of water - and around a third of them claimed to have suffered side-effects!

This is the nocebo effect at work - the placebo effect's evil twin; once again it confirms the power of the mind over the body.

We are easily led. We can convince ourselves that things are subjectively good or bad, and this feeds into our samopoczucie positively or negatively. In medicine, there is a saying: "There's no such thing as a healthy person. Only undiagnosed diseases." This is Schrodinger's Disease - until a doctor of medicine takes a peek, you're well and ill at the same time. And while many diseases can only be cured with timely medical interventions, those deemed to be 'of unknown aetiology' are more likely to respond to the power of a positive mind-set.

Steve Jobs and Bob Marley both succumbed to cancer thinking that they can overcome it with fruit juice and marijuana respectively, rather than conventional oncological treatment - they were both wrong. But the story of Wilko Johnson (recounted on this blog a few days ago), suggests that miracles can happen. Was a misdiagnosis a miracle? Can miracles happen retrospectively? Is there a role for the supernatural in healing? Can gratitude and appreciation of life help? We need balance; we cannot dismiss science out of hand - nor can dismiss the power of mind over matter simply because it cannot be quantified by science.

Linking health and happiness with the celestial order, the flow, the Unfolding, we should express our gratitude for what we have, and in a grateful state of mind ask for health and happiness for ourselves and for our loved ones.

Non-dualism (the non-materialistic version of monism) means considering the entire Universe, all things visible and invisible, the material and the spiritual as one - and this requires a holistic view of mind and spirit. The effect of spiritual will on our well-being is important. A life in balance means that bodily health and spiritual well-being shouldn't be ignored, nor should they be obsessively pursued. Conscious awareness of both plays an important role.

An example to me of this effect is my ongoing success in keeping my blood pressure optimal without having to take pills. The average of last week's daily readings at 110/76, a year ago it was 113/79. Walking, weight-training, exercising, healthy diet, and - during Lent - no alcohol. But there is no room for complacency; no letting up - the long-term aim being a healthy body in which a mindful consciousness can reach for new understanding and insights on the infinitely long road from Zero to One.

Belief in the power of belief. If you don’t believe that a positive outlook can improve your health or slow down disease – then the chances are it won’t. If you do believe in the power of belief, then there is a greater chance that it will help. Up to one-third greater, looking at those Covid vaccine trial results!

* Date from this presentation, slide 17

This time last year:
Divine intervention

This time two years ago:
Oblique views of Warsaw from the air

This time seven years ago
On Calton Hill, Edinburgh

This time eight years ago:
Doomsday - the Last Judgment

This time nine years ago:
Sunny Scotland at 23.9C 

This time 11 years ago:

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