Two words that don't naturally go together, but I arrived in Scotland to record high temperatures for the time of year (yesterday's top temperature was 23.9C). Indeed, right across Europe, there were cloudless skies.
The WizzAir flight from Warsaw arrived at "Glasgow" Prestwick an hour and a quarter late, but what a landing! The pilots earned a well-deserved round of applause from the passengers by touching down on the runway almost unnoticed. Above: just before going over the fence, a clearly-delineated shadow of W6 1323 speeds over a ploughed field - an indication of the strength of the sunshine and clarity of skies.

Despite good rail connections, it still took three hours to get from Prestwick to Edinburgh via Glasgow, changing from Central Station to Queens Street. And in both cities, people dressed for high summer (rare are the days even in July when temperatures get towards the mid-20Cs).
It will be a busy day tomorrow - I'm unlikely have much time to blog my pics of Edinburgh; I hope to have some with you at the weekend.
This time last year:
The iconic taste of Marmite
This time last year:
The iconic taste of Marmite
This time two years ago:
This time three year ago:
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