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Monday 5 April 2021

Normal blogging service resumes with a photo round-up

A short round-up of my favourite photos from the past 46 days...

Below: trackside sunset, W-wa Jeziorki looking towards Dawidy Bankowe, 18 February

Below: sunset over Drwalew, 21 February

Below: melting snow and ice under a clear sky, Jakubowizna, 21 February

Below: from Chynów station, looking north along the track towards the DK50. 21 February.

Below: Warsaw skyline; Varso tower's mast is in place, making it taller than Stalin's Palace of Culture (right). 27 February. Jeziorki in the foreground, Grabów and Służew in the middle distance.

Below: ulica Baletowa, level crossing, W-wa Dawidy, southbound train passing. 2 March

Below: crushed toy gun, in the fields between W-wa Dawidy and W-wa Jeziorki stations. 3 March.

Below: Jakubowizna, 22 March

Below: new estate, Nowa Zgorzała, drowning in mud, 20 March

Below: train, plane and passing rain - between W-wa Dawidy and W-wa Jeziorki, 8 March.

Below: approaching snowstorm, Warsaw on the horizon. This is the site of the future Węzeł Zamienie - the first junction of the S7 south of the airport. 3 April

Below: standing stones, Picos D'Avidy, 28 March.

Below: standing stones, Picos D'Avidy, 4 April.

Below: bridge over the S7 at Nowa Wola, 5 April.

Just noticed my late father's birthday; he'd have been 98 today had he lived. This morning I dreamt I gave him a present - a large-scale super-detailed sports-car model; he unboxed it and started playing with it - he was in awe of the working steering and suspension, the opening windows, the engine under the bonnet. I dreamt I gave him a present - yet forgot entirely until I looked for blog posts from this day that it is his birthday! The mysteries of the subconscious - or coincidence?

This time last year:

This time two years ago:
My father at 96

This time three years ago
My father at 95

This time four years ago:
Happy 94th to my father...

This time five years ago:
Happy 91st to my father!

This time eight years ago: 
My father at 90

This time nine years ago:
An independent Scotland - what if?

This time ten years ago:

This time 13 years ago:
Happy 85th to my father!


  1. One small mistake, this new estate - Osiedle Kolorowe 3 is not in Nowa Wola, it is in Zgorzała or in Nowa Zgorzała as some residents call it. The border between Zgorzała and Nowa Wola is on the Przepiórki path and then Kielecka street. The village borders are nicely drawn here:

  2. @ syntex

    Many thanks for your correction - and in particular many thanks for the link to openstreetmap, which is excellent (so much more detail than Google Maps or Google Earth). I had always wondered where the border between Zgorzała and Nowa Wola actually lies; given that they are outside Warsaw's MSI which so beautifully delineates borders of districts and sub-districts.

    I will correct the text - I'm grateful for the information!

  3. @ Michael Dembinski

    The MSI areas are ok in general, but for example Dąbrówka in MSI does not contain the Pozytywka pond and the surrounding houses near it, and historically it was the centre of the Dąbrówka village. It is a mystery for me, why it is not in the MSI area of Dąbrówka. It also ignores many significant former villages, for example Krasnowola, Ludwinów, Zgorzała nad Jeziorem and Dawidy Poduchowne do not have their own MSI area. So it should be taken with a pinch of salt. There are some efforts to keep these names alive though, for example recently Warsaw named the road, that leads to the houses in Dawidy Poduchowne. The new name is Poduchowna : ) (and they've also changed the addresses of theses 3 houses from Karczunkowska 164, 164A, 164B to Poduchowna 12B, 12C, 12E).

  4. @syntex
    An interesting debate! OK, we have lost some historical names, but MSI have also cleared up a lot of ambiguity as to what places are called (Zgorzała nad Jeziorem or Jeziorki Niemieckie?) and as to their borders.

    My post about ul. Poduchowna...

    My post about Jeziorki on pre-MSI maps...

  5. Well, in the case of Jeziorki Niemieckie now we are certain, because the name of Jeziorki Niemieckie is really "dead". It is not present in the PRNG - Polish National Register of Geographical Names and I haven't seen a map more recent than 1980s in which it is present. I also have once thought about renaming the Warszawa Dawidy to Warszawa Dawidy Zwykłe (It would be funny). BUT, there is at least one official governmental base in which these borders are drawn. That base is called BDOT10K and it has borders of - Dawidy Poduchowne, Dawidy Zwykłe, Ludwinów, Jeziorki Polskie, Krasnowola etc. Anyway, the MSI is so powerfull and so everywhere that these names eventually will be wiped out unfortunatelly.

    Referring to the name of ulica Żmijewska, it is dead too. On 03.11.2020 I noticed that the sign with the name of ulica Żmijewska is no longer there, then I checked the and the name was also missing there. I wrote a question via the app Warsaw 19115 to ask what is going on.
    They told me, that Uchwała nr 35 Rady Narodowej Warszawy z dnia 12 kwietnia 1962 r. mentioned the other road, Warsaw ZDM do not know which road, but they've removed the sign anyway without figuring out which road the Uchwała mentioned. I am not a citizen of Warsaw, so I can't make a formal motion to the authorities to name it again (it shouldn't be a problem, the whole road/path belongs to the city)
