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Monday 24 May 2021

Joys of spring

This morning I wake up, and open the front door to this - and a splendid choral performance by the birds in the garden, in full throat. Life is good.

Below: my front garden, from the street, an explosion of flower. Completely unretouched in Photoshop, sliders set to neutral, this is how the photo came out of the camera. A polarising filter accentuated the sky, but that's how my eyes see it while wearing sunglasses.

Below: kilometre 42 on the Warsaw-Radom railway line. This may be 42km (26 miles) from Warsaw, but its skyline can clearly be seen from Chynów. 

Below: sunset over Sułkowice, across the DK50, Warsaw's southern ring-road for transit traffic, mercifully light at this time of day.

Left: ulica Sezamkowa (lit. 'Sesame Street'), Nowe Grobice. A tree in fresh leaf, despite being blasted and burned by lightning and hacked at by man. The power of nature to heal, for life to keep on living, despite the odds.

Below: agriculture likes straight lines - apple orchard next to forest, looking south towards Grobice. Last week's blossom is past its peak, I'm glad I caught it. Now, a long wait until October and the apple harvests, when the trees will be groaning beneath the weight of fruit. Between now and then - much spraying with chemicals.

Below: between ul. Słoneczna ('Sunny Street') and ul. Wspólna, both in Chynów, a field of strawberries that lies in Jakubowizna.

Below: Chynów cemetery before the deluge. A short, sharp downpour coincided with me entering J&B Snack Bar to order my double spicy burger. Which I finished just as it ceased raining.

This time last year:
Jeziorki in May

This time two years ago:

This time four years ago

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