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Tuesday 8 June 2021

A proud moment

I've been taking photographs since the early 1980s, so over 40 years since I bought my first Nikon; over that time I have never entered any photographic contest - until this year.

One of the four photos I entered in the local konkurs fotograficzny won a distinction (fourth prize); I proudly claimed my diploma last week which shall be displayed on the wall in my działka. A sign of participation in the life of the local community.

The contest was organised by the Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Gminy Chynów, (Association of Friends of Chynów Municipality), and you can see all 57 entries on the association's Facebook page (scroll down a bit).

Each photo had to have in included in its file name the grid coordinates of where it was taken, to ensure that only genuine views photographed within the boundaries of the gmina would be included, and not generic shots of orchards snapped elsewhere.

As one of the conditions was that none of the photos could have been previously published (including online), this is the first time I'm showing my entries on the blog. Now, the photo which won the distinction (below) is similar, but from a slightly different angle to one I have already published (in this post) - not cheating!

Below: 'Spring - Cherry Orchard in Bloom, Jakubowizna.' The award-winning photo. No jiggery-pokery in Photoshop - just the use of a polarising filter to draw out the contrast between the sky, the blossom and the leaves.

Below: 'Summer - Before the Storm, Grobice.' Technically, still astronomical spring, as it was taken on 19 June 2020.

Below: 'Autumn - Orchard full of Apples, Jakubowizna.'

Below: 'Winter - Young Orchard in the Snow, Jakubowizna'.

This time last year:
Rail progress - Krężel to Chynów

This time seven years ago:

This time nine years ago:
Fans fly in for the football

This time ten years ago:
Cara al Sol - part II

This time 11 years ago:
Still struggling with the floodwaters

This time 12 years ago:
European elections - and I buy used D40

The time 13 years ago:
To the Vistula, by bike

This time 14 years ago:
Poppy profusion