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Thursday 30 September 2021

Trains of thought, insights and 'voices'

Trains of thought - let them run, coupling from one to another - the default mode network at work in the brain. Sit back, detach yourself from what you're doing, and let your mind wander at will; mundane concerns - bills to pay, household tasks to complete, one thought leads to another - issues to resolve, emails to write - at the higher level, ideas half-digested, 

Then along comes that flash of insight - a moment of sudden realisation of something new, a new correlation, some deep truth that had not been hitherto appreciated. Generated as the result of a lumbering train of thought, chugging ever onward, the synthesis of what you have been reading, listening to, thinking about - and then a higher understanding clicks.

But what of the truly unbidden thought - inspiration - the Holy Spirit, for those who choose to think in these terms. These are rarer. They feel like they are from an extraneous source. The notion of 'voices' has a negative connotation, aligned with mental illness, schizophrenia - auditory verbal hallucinations. But these inspirations are non-verbal - they are as silent, wordless, as the thoughts in a train of thought. I am experiencing what feels like an unbidden inbound thought; telepathy rather than a voice.

Should I trust their veracity? One I had this summer - I felt the need before turning in to go outside onto the rear balcony of the house on my działka and look at the night sky. As I did so, the thought came to my mind "everyone who seeks God must find their own way". Profound stuff. Feels so right!

Another one I had many years ago (and reported on this blog) is that "we are all part of a continuous whole". Yet another is the notion of congruence in memories. Thoughts, ideas, unbidden - as opposed to unbidden qualia memories (of subjective experiences).

'Unbidden' is the crucial word here. The insights fall into a train of thought that's under way; they are neither summoned nor do they result from the preceding thought.

Summoning - or channelling - is a separate matter. I had a go at channelling alien intelligences three months ago. Just as I was about to drop off, I channelled the aliens to ask how mankind can get nuclear fusion to work. [Atomic energy, but without uranium and other nastiness we get from fission reactors.]

The answer was instantaneous and astonishing: "Have a look at anomalous data from experiments conducted in March 1970". I wasn't expecting this!

Seven weeks later, my brother then pointed me to this:

Nuclear Fusion Reactions in Solid-Deuterium Laser-Produced Plasma

F. Floux, D. Cognard, L -G. Denoeud, G. Piar, D. Parisot, J. L. Bobin, F. Delobeau, and C. Fauquignon

Phys. Rev. A 1, 821 – Published 1 March 1970

He points out that the experiments mentioned in this paper must have been conducted before March 1970, a time in which research around the world had switched from various forms of fusion reactor (Astron, Levitron, Magnetic Mirror and Bumpy Torus) towards the one that the Soviets had demonstrated so much promise with - the Tokamak. Maybe scientists had rejected a promising technology because of anomalous data? Interesting... And in case you're wondering - the answer to my question did not come to me in either English or Polish, rather as a telepathic message.

Here's another one... This one did come in Polish, because it is a form of words that won't easily translate into English...

Nie odpuszczaj sobie!

This time two years ago:
Parliamentary train at West Ealing station

This time three years ago:
Progress in Jakubowizna

This time five years ago:
Miedzianka by Filip Springer

This time six years ago:
Out of the third, into the fourth

This time seven years ago:
Inverted reflections

This time eight years ago:
Observations from London's WC1
and Observations from the City of London

This time seven years ago:
Civilising Jeziorki's wetlands

This time ten years ago:
Warsaw's Aleje Jerozolimskie

This time 12 years ago:
Melancholy autumn mood in Łazienki

This time 13 years ago:
Autumn gold, Zamienie

This time 14 years ago:
Flamenco Sketches - Seville


  1. Knowing how research tends to turn around, Michael

    probably about 5-10 years before [March 1970]?

    [we consider 5 years fairly ancient in the "peopling" fields].

    And isn't that expression the Polish title of a Harlan C book?

    Where there is data there is anomaly.

  2. @ Adelaide:
    "And isn't that expression the Polish title of a Harlan C book?"

    Interesting - I check. Indeed - Nie odpuszczaj ('Don't Let Go') - without the reflexive 'sobie'; not quite the same... more like 'don't let go (of the rope)' than 'don't let yourself go'.

    Mankind has been '30 years away from achieving power from nuclear fusion' for the past 75 years :-) Sometime, someone...

  3. Michael:

    I have also seen the expression [*with* the reflexive] translated as "Don't give up" or "Don't quit"

    [all right, I admit it. I checked Reverso - for those who don't know the site it has all kinds of movie and European Parliament and streaming subtitle references].

    Then you think of all the ways you let yourself go - for example, to waste or to compost.

    And yesterday evening I encountered a gentleman called Van Bruce MacDonald who really knew his physics. I say "knew" because he died in 2011. And he was based in Colorado - Bayaud for choice.

    The knowledge and the consciousness he shared is in the ether somewhere.

    And don't let go of whatever it is you[r hands and feet] are gripping.

    [and anything else in mind; body and soul].

    75 years brings us to 1946.

    So that takes in the 1950s and the 1960s easily.

    So it seems to be an elusive endeavour.

    If I had any sense I would not confuse fission and fusion when it came to nuclear life.

  4. @ Adelaide

    The Van Bruce MacDonald story shows that human potential is there to be realised; he was fortunate in being able to reach his potential despite setbacks.

  5. I must say, I get a little nervous when I read, that someone ‘channels aliens’. Hope all is OK.

  6. @ Teresa

    Haha! If you look at the posts under the label 'UFOs', you'll see this is not new.

    The Preliminary Report of the Director of the Office of National Intelligence to Congress on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (25 June 2021) must leave anyone a little nervous, as there are are only four possibilities...

    1) The US has developed craft that fly at hypersonic speeds, accelerating from zero to Mach 15 in two seconds, dip in and out of space, through the atmosphere and into the ocean, perform manoeuvres of 450G that would tear a conventional craft to shreds - and do all this without leaving a vapour trail, sonic booms, without wings, rotors or any other visible means of lift. And is trying these out on US Navy training ranges without telling the US Navy. That would make one a little nervous...

    2) China or Russia has developed craft that fit all the above parameters. To do this - breaking known laws of physics (since 2003) would suggest that Chinese or Soviet universities were working on such technologies since the late 1940s (this doesn't happen overnight). None of this ever leaked from their labs. The fact that the West's adversaries have such technologies with military applications would make one a little nervous...

    3) The US Navy has for the past 20 or so years been training attention-seeking fantasists and sending them up in multi-million dollar jets with faulty sensors. That would make one a little nervous...

    Do any of the above three sound possible? The ODNI report stated that out of 145 incidents recorded by the US military on multiple data platforms (radar, FLIR, smartphone camera, radio frequency recordings, trained observers) since 2004, only one was proven to something explainable (a deflating weather balloon).

    OK - so the US military doesn't know. But I think we can reject the first three possibilities, leaving a fourth - other world craft. We don't know - time travellers? Interdimensional travellers? Aliens from other star systems? All now seem plausible - all bets are equally likely. They may be millions of years advanced from us - so why not try a little telepathy on them:-) As with Pascal's Wager - nothing to lose.

  7. Sorry, but I think there is something unhealthy going on here.

  8. @ Teresa

    You sound like you are in denial about the ODNI report... Have you read it? (It's only nine pages long) <a href="</a>

  9. I don’t care about the report. But I do worry about someone who ‘tries a little telepathy’ on aliens from other star systems.

  10. @ Teresa

    "I don't care about this theory that the earth goes around the sun. To the stake, Signor Bruno!"
