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Sunday 28 November 2021

Where the two contracts end

Sundays means far fewer construction workers on the S7, so a good chance to see what progress is being made. I walk to ulica Baletowa then head up to where Polaqua's contract to build Odcinek  (stretch) A of the S7 meets the S79, opened to traffic in September 2013.

Below: photo taken from the service road, looking north towards where the S7 ends and the S79 begins. The S2 runs beneath the junction; a slip road joins the S2's eastbound carriageway with the S7's southbound carriageway (the lane nearest the camera). The lighting is mounted on low stanchions because this is where the flight path for Runway 33 crosses the expressway, and we don't want planes tripping over them. Incidentally, these lights come on at night every night since autumn 2013 even though no traffic uses the S79 north of the junction with the S2. Eight years' worth of wasted electricity and light bulbs.

Below: at the moment there remains a ten-metre gap between the two expressways, S79 to the left, the S7 extension south.

Below: the S7 extension is built to be more durable, with a concrete base.

Below: photo from two weeks ago, when the concrete machine was layin' it down - although this was the tail-end of the Independence Day public holiday, so it was left abandoned.

Below: this is where the service road running alongside the S7 extension meets the service road running alongside the S2 (behind me - the asphalt ends and paving stone begins).

Below: looking south along the S7 extension service-road; in the foreground ul. Baletowa and the tunnel under the expressway; in the distance, Węzeł [junction] Zamienie, on the horizon the new viaduct carrying ul. Dawidowska over the expressway. To the left posts for acoustic screens.

Views that we'll soon never see once those acoustic screens are in place. Below: looking east along ul. Baletowa towards ul. Puławska and the Las Kabacki forest beyond.

Below: looking west along ul. Baletowa towards Dawidy, Warsaw's border is where that distant traffic light shines red. Beyond that junction, Baletowa becomes ul. Warszawska.

Will the S7 extension be open by next November? At least to Lesznowola?

This time last year:
In praise of the Nikon D3500
[I still believe this is the best value-for-money digital camera to date]

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Agnieszka Holland's Mr Jones reviewed

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The Earth is flat

This time four years ago:
50th Anniversary of the Fiat 125p

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Fidel Castro's death divides the world

This time six years ago:
London to Edinburgh by night bus

This time eight year ago:
The Regent's Canal, London

This time ten years ago:
An end to the entitlement way of thinking

This time 11 year:
West Ealing - drab and sad end of town

This time 12 years ago:
To Poznań by train

This time 14 years ago:
Late autumn drive-time 

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