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Tuesday 30 November 2021

Twilight rambler

Welcome to Warsaw. Below: here we have the junction of two Warsaw streets - to the left, ulica Hołubcowa, to the right, ul. Sporna. Under the flight path to Runway 33 of Warsaw Okęcie airport there is little scope for development other than growing cabbages and carrots. Long may it stay this way! 

Sunset today was just before half past three. Not long before we hit the Plateau of Afternoon Darkness, that eight-day period when in Warsaw the sun will set at 15:23. No camera on today's walk - rain alternating with wet snow. All photographs taken with my Samsung Galaxy S20.

Further along ul. Sporna, heading east. Fields - some 80 hectares of mostly fallow land, some cultivated plots, stretch between the railway to the west, ul. Jeziorki to the east, ul. Baletowa to the south and ul. Farbiarska to the north.

Back on the asphalt - ul. Jeziorki, which runs through the district of Jeziorki. Very soon, this narrow street will be bunged up with traffic heading in both directions. No pavement. Not pleasant for pedestrians.

"I have trod the upward and the downward slope" - Tourist trail (szlak turystyczny) MZ-5142-z rises from ul. Dumki towards ul. Sarabandy, on its way from W-wa Dawidy to Ciszyca on the banks of the Vistula.

I pass the Dean's house, a corner of that 1950s Ivy League campus that's magically transported itself through space and time to 21st century Warsaw. Old books by the fire, a tumbler of single malt, and the encroaching darkness without ceases to be a woe...

Nice to get back to a warm home, put the kettle on and enjoy my uniquely Anglo-Polish beverage, namely Krakus-brand barszcz concentrate with a teaspoon of Marmite XO. Ideal for the time of year.

This time two years ago:
Late-November pictorial round-up

This time last year:
Artificial Intelligence vs Artificial Consciousness

This time four years ago:
Viaduct takes shape in the snow

This time seven years ago:
No in-work benefits for four years?

This time eight years ago:

This time nine years ago:
Another November without snow

This time ten years ago:
Snow-free November

This time 11 years ago:
Krakowskie Przedmieście in the snow

This time 12 years ago:
Ul. Poloneza closed for the building of the S2


  1. Great klimat as you say. I can almost feel the cold and dampness here in the American West where the humidity is currently at 31%.

  2. @ Tom - Denver

    Thanks for your kind comment!
