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Thursday 13 January 2022

On ice - thick ice

Several days of sub-zero temperatures has once again caused our ponds to freeze over. By the fifth night, I felt confident enough to venture out onto the ice. Below: out through the reeds by ulica Dumki, I am certain the ice is solid.

Below: out on the centre of the pond - photo taken from my phone set to wide-angle lens mode. Though the pond had almost dried out to its bed in 2020, a wet summer last year has raised the water level by about a metre and half.

Left: same view, but taken with my Nikon D3500. Not as sharp as the phone's lens. Looking down, it looks to me like the ice supporting my weight is at least eight inches (20cm) thick. No threatening creaking sounds underfoot; I feel entirely secure. Caution needs to be exercised where open water can be observed, such as where the canal emerges into the pond under ul. Dumki or the canal between the two main ponds.

Below: ice on ice shows the layered nature of the frozen pond. After the previous thaw, a layer of rainwater settled on the ice, which then froze, this time, without snow.

Below: skaters were quick to take to the pond as a free alternative to Warsaw's rinks. Note the buses in the distance on ul. Baletowa; this is bus route 209 temporarily terminating at ul. Jeziorki, as once again the level crossing is closed for maintenance work to the drainage.

Below: looking south, with the wooden pier to the left.

Below: rotting vegetation at the bed of the pond releasing methane, bubbles of which have been frozen into the ice.

Below: nice quiet little beach community - four properties, still unsold, face the pond on ul. Trombity. Another new home is being built to the left (a large detached house).

This time three years ago:
Kraków in winter

This time four years ago:
Jeziorki mid-January catch-up

This time five years ago:
On ice

This time six years ago:
Tweeting and blogging

This time eight years ago:
The sad truth about the pavement for Karczunkowska

This time 12 years ago:
A haul of wintery wonderfulness

This time 13 years ago:
Optimal way to work?

This time 14 years ago:
Highest point in Jeziorki 
(photos of the Rampa before demolition)

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