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Saturday 11 June 2022

More blues and greens from early summer

Blue and green continue to dominate - top temperatures exceeding 25C, but interspersed with rain in reasonable amounts. The sublime summer. I feel like I want to go to one specific place - so off I set.

Below: the fields between Jeziorki (in Warsaw), and - in the distance - Mysiadło (not in Warsaw), the treeline marking the border. Crops coming up nicely. With the geopolitical situation as it is, the worst thing that could happen to agriculture is flooding or drought.

From Mysiadło to Nowa Iwiczna, I walk along the track of the old sidings for the agglomerate ramp (below), ripped up to make way for one housing estate (didn't happen); the area was then earmarked for an even bigger housing project (again didn't happen). So, lots of recreational land remains.

 Below: how it once looked here, with rails in situ. Photo taken February 2008, nearer the Jeziorki end.

Below: at the other end, in a small tongue of Zgorzała that crosses the tracks, a small development of about a dozen houses is being built.

Below: across ulica Krasickiego in Nowa Iwiczna, where the unelectrified coal train* line curves away from the main Warsaw-Radom line. A Warsaw-bound Koleje Mazowieckie Impuls train rushes by. These trains pick up a nice turn of speed, necessitating longer stops at stations to fit the same timetables as the old stock.

Below: I reach my destination - the pedestrian level crossing across the coal line. Photo taken from Nowa Iwiczna; beyond the houses in the immediate front line facing the tracks lies Stara Iwiczna. A sudden yearning to visit this spot led me here.

*Just as I'm indexing 'coal train' under Labels, John Coltrane's tenor sax solo kicks in Miles Davis's So What on YouTube

This time last year:

This time seven years ago:
Loakes in Warsaw

This time eight years ago:
Gdynia, on the beach, six am

This time nine years ago:
Polish doctors in UK offer new healthcare model

This time ten years ago:
Football in Warsaw

This time 11 years ago:
Era becomes T-Mobile

This time 12 years ago:
Warsaw-Góra Kalwaria-Pilawa rail link closed

This time 13 years ago:
Marsh harrier, golden airliner over Jeziorki

This time 14 years ago:
Bus blaze on way to town

This time 15 years ago:
A beautiful, stormy twilight


  1. It's a Blue Train, kind of.


  2. The Blue Train that goes to the Kruger National Park? (See comment in next blog post down). Giving Blue Train a listen right now!
