My new online project...

Monday 13 June 2022

Powered by the Sun

My działka will soon be plugged into the sun - as soon as an electrician from PGE Obrót reprograms my new electricity meter to current in (from the grid) and current out (generated by my new panels). Apart from my new smugness that I'll not be burning any fossil fuels downstream to heat the house, I will have an extended dwelling season in the country, where solar-powered heating can ensure the interior stays warm and dry all winter long. No more entering the house to find it's +4.5C inside, the heating can be left on day and night at a low level to keep damp at bay.

The downside is having to adjust to a new view. The panels had to go on the ground, as the roof of my house could not be aligned more badly to catch the sun. As it is, on the ground, it is optimal (I just need to prune back the trees and shrubs to the south-east of the array - see bottom picture). Tilted just slightly west of due south, the panels will catch the sun at its most energetic, around 1pm. With the drive now located to the east, the panels do not interfere with access.

There's more energy than I currently use; an electric vehicle charging point may come in handy one day.

Below: how shall I optimise the space behind the panel array? Small, metal tool-shed? (nothing flammable, just in case) Or a conifer screen, kept neatly trimmed?

As I wrote, these eight panels cost 25% more than the ten panels on the house in Jeziorki (installed November 2020), reflecting supply-chain difficulties from China and the inflationary spiral - dearer electricity means more people ordering solar panels. Still - it's done, it won't be any cheaper in the near future. In the more distant future, perovskite film will be available to stick onto any south-facing facades (in theory, because perovskite is translucent, you will also be able to stick it onto existing silicon-based panels to increase their effectiveness. Also better than the Jeziorki set-up is the user interface on the junction box, complete with phone app (which will start to give data once the meter has been seen to). Much more legible. The new system is from Columbus Energy, by the way.

Will there be money from the government for this? I've discounted it. Last time round it was broken promises (5,000zł became 3,000zł, with over a year's wait); I'm not doing it for any subsidy but for the planet.

This time six years ago:

This time eight years ago:
Half a mile under central Warsaw, on foot

This time nine years ago:
Dzienniki Kołymskie reviewed

This time ten years ago
Russia-Poland in Warsaw: the worst day of Euro 2012

This time 12 years ago:
Thirty-one and sixty-three - a short story

This time 13 years ago:
Warsaw rail circumnavigation

This time 14 years ago:
Classic Polish vehicles

This time 15 years ago:
South Warsaw sunsets

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