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Thursday 30 June 2022

Summertime, and the living is lazy

When it's hot and humid, the will to exercise diminishes. This is clear when I look at my walking. I'm still walking the paces (still averaging 11,000 a day, winter and summer) but I am doing them more slowly, without vigour, pausing frequently to take photos. In fact, in summer, there are more longer walks, in winter the walks are more energetic (the more so that I now have Nordic walking poles). Plus it's dark for most of the time, so less photography.

A similar graph can be drawn spanning all my other daily exercise routines. Start the year with good intentions, hammer away at the pull-ups, sit-ups, planks etc; as summer begins to set in, there's less determination, more excuses for inactivity (the chief one being "it's summer - you deserve it"). Then as the evenings start drawing in again, I get back into the swing of pushing myself harder once again.

It seems inevitable. Summer is the time for letting go a bit - for relaxing, taking it easy (or at least easier). Not for giving up altogether, but for acknowledging that there's a time to push oneself and a time to reap the rewards. And not feeling guilty about it!

I have taken one step to ensure less excuses for summertime laziness - I have invested in a pull-up bar and a pair of 5kg weights for the działka. Looking at my spreadsheet numbers, I can see that I am on track to beat last year across nine out of my ten categories (drinking less alcohol, eating more fruit and veg, walking more paces/and at moderate- and high-intensity, plus seven sets of exercises - with one exception - press-ups. These are clearly in decline.  Yet there have been fewer days of zero exercising in the first half year of 2022 than in any previous first half. 

Full results, as always (barring any unforeseen health issue or accident!) at the end of the year. A time to feel gratitude, stave off complacency and pray for health, and luck.

This time three years ago:
First half of 2019 - health in numbers

This time four years ago:
Key Performance Indicators - health - first half 2018

This time five years ago:
Three and half years of health and fitness data

This time six years ago:
First half of 2016 health & fitness in numbers

This time seven years ago:
Venus, Jupiter - auspices

This time eight years ago:
Down the line from York

This time nine years ago:
Cider - at last available in Poland

This time ten years ago:
Despondency on Puławska

This time 11 years ago:
Stalking the stork

This time 13 years ago:
Late June lightning

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