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Tuesday 4 October 2022

In which I reach the Age of Maturity

Here we go - it had to happen sometime! 65 at last. The entry port for Old Age - or at least it was. Life expectancy has increased; at this age, my father still had over 31 years left. I certainly don't feel old (unless I chance upon my face in a reflective surface!). I am in age of contentment, founded on good health (for which I am always grateful and about which I am never complacent), financial security (previous caveats apply) and above all, an understanding of my purpose. I work because I want to work, not because I have to work, and intend to go on doing so as long as it continues to bring me fulfilment. 

But more important than my job is the spiritual side of life; an eternal quest for cause and reason - why we are, and to where the Cosmos is unfolding. Reconciling empirical science with spirituality, a deeper meaning to life than materialism and possessing possessions.

I am increasingly aware that I am Consciousness moving over the face of the earth in a muscle-and-bone bipedal form, observing with curiosity, gaining ever-higher degrees of understanding about the world around me.

The Ego - the vain, the boastful, the thoughtless Self is in retreat, beaten back by the Consciousness, the struggle to find the balance between biology and spirit.

In my ninth year of systematic exercising and watching what I eat and drink. And walking - elevated to a mystical level, especially when out of town, untroubled by traffic. Why do I persist with this? Clarity of mind, mental and bodily wellbeing that's aimed at prolonging active life. More focus, more reflection, more contact with the numinous, mystical and metaphysical, sharing ideas, learning, sharpening my vision, as I wrote the other day, achieving higher levels of detail when it comes to understanding the world around me.

This time last year:
Golden Autumn, Golden Years

This time two years ago:
Last embers of summer

This time three years ago:
It's that Day of the Year again!

This time four years ago:

This time five years ago:
Health at 60

This time seven years ago:
In search of vectors for migrating consciousness

This time eight years ago:
Slipping from late summer to early autumn

This time nine years ago:
Turning 56

This time ten years ago: 
Turning 55 

This time 11 years ago:
Turning 54

This time 12 years ago:
Turning 53

This time 15 years ago:
Turning 50

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