On my way back to the office from a conference at the Ministry of the Economy on Pl. Trzech Krzyży. I miss the 171 bus; a 10 minute wait for the next one, or a 12 minute walk? I opt for the latter.
Above: Corner of ul. Książęca and Pl. Trzech Krzyży. A lovely
kamienica (Come-yen-EET-suh) - the word 'tenement' does not express the concept well in this particular case.
Left: the Holland Park development by ul. Książęca. Posh, superbly located, some flats still available - and Warsaw property prices some 25% lower than they were in 2008. Today is wonderful. Strong sunlight and a top temperature of 24C - I cannot remember such a temperature on my birthday ever before. One must revel in such days; appreciate the warmth and the beauty.
Right: onwards, down the Vistula Escarpment, through the Śmigły-Rydz park. Here's a Socialist Realist sculpture; as with many communist era statues, it's got red paint on it. Eyes, lips and nipples. Not the red arms painted on Feliks Dzierzyński's statue in communist days (by heroes) or daubs of red paint spattered on Berling's statue, or on that of the Soviet soldiers on Pl. Wileński these days (by vandals)... but red nonetheless.
Below: fountains in Śmigły-Rydz Park. The trees are starting to turn to gold; may this October be as sunny as it was last year.

I'm still feeling 34 (I have 20 years experience of being 34). In my waking consciousness and in my dreams, I am indeed still in my mid-30s, and I get a shock when walking past a mirror and suddenly realise that my exterior apparition is out of kilter with the way I feel about myself.
I get to the office and find a large walnut cream cake and a bottle of South African Pinotage on my desk! Thanks guys!
Still, I have wonderfully fit parents (88 and 84 respectively); genetic factors and lifestyle are both important predictors of one's lifespan. I'm happier within myself than I've ever been - and so, roll on my 55th birthday!
This time last year:
Birthday treatThis time two years ago:
Autumnal bike rideThis time three years ago:
An embarrassment of abundanceThis time four years ago:
Upon my 50th birthday (I was right to be optimistic!)
Congratulations. Here's to good genes and good wines.
Happy birthday - leave the cake to the colleagues and enjoy the pinotage
Many happy returns!
Howdy Pard'ner, put it there!
Best belated Birthday wishes from the US contingent at Warmington-on-Sea ZigZag Brigade. We look forward to sharing a Scatch on the rocks in due course.
Frater welldoneWilson!
p.s. Apartment block would seem more apt.
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