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Sunday 18 December 2022

Deep in the snow

Four to six inches (10cm - 15cm) of snow lying on the ground makes walking difficult. Tyre tracks are easier to walk along, though (apart from tractor tyres) they are narrow so pigeon-steps are required. Today's walk took me through Machcin II to Dąbrowa Duża, a small village that I've only passed through a couple of times before. The road there from Machcin II is unasphalted, only one car has gone this way since Wednesday. 

Below: general view of Dąbrowa Duża, which doesn't even have the smallest of shops, although this, its main street, is asphalted. Walking is easier.

Left: a wayside chapel (built in 1930, rebuilt in 2009). Maps from the 1930s and 1940s refer to this settlement as 'Witoldów' - I wonder when (and why) if was renamed Dąbrowa Duża.

Below: a selfie in a wide-angle traffic mirror on the corner of the farm track leading to Adamów Rososki and the road running through Jakubowizna.

 Below: looking down toward Jakubowizna. I turn right here for my działka.

Below: pine forest on the track back to my działka.

Below: just round the corner from home - past the small forest. A very tiring walk - over 12,500 paces, but trudging through virgin snow is hard work!

Warmer weather on its way - with above-zero temperatures by Tuesday, then rain forecast every day until Christmas Eve. Which doesn't sound nice.

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This time four years ago:
Brexit going nowhere

This time six years ago:
News from Nowa Iwiczna

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Modern governance for a complex world (prescient post!)

This time eight years ago:
Contagion - CEE's foreign-exchange markets 

This time nine years ago:
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Ul. Trombity - a step closer to dry feet?

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Matters of style

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